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Buyers need to be certain sellers have clear and true title to the property and that no issues will arise that could threaten their property rights. Covington Title, LLC employs and works with trained and experienced professional abstractors, title agents, and attorneys. Our abstractors perform thorough and detailed title searches of the public records to certify that we are aware of every single instrument affecting title to the property. Our attorneys carefully review the results of the title search to determine if there are any issues that might come up in the future to threaten your property rights.



We are equipped and able to handle any curative title work that may be necessary. Our title agents work directly with Fidelity National Title to secure  adequate and proper title insurance coverage for both the owner and the lender. Looking for more information on why title insurance is necessary and prudent? Read more here.


Sellers need to be certain the settlement agency is accurate and efficient in the facilitation of the sale of their property. Covington Title, LLC is committed to the details of every transaction. We use state-of-the-art technology and software to streamline the closing process and ensure that every penny is accounted for. Our office initiates wires and funds transfers as quickly as possible so the proceeds of your sale are in your pocket sooner rather than later.




  • Full service title & settlement agency

  • Timely & transparent communication, including secure and encrypted transmissions of sensitive financial and personal information

  • Comprehensive policies & procedures to protect consumers at every stage of the closing process

  • Professional & experienced staff


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